OK Google Now Voice Commands – Android – Video


Enhanced voice search on the Google app

Want to get the most out of your smartphone or tablet?  Learn how to use Google Now Voice Commands! Google Now is an application that uses a natural language user interface and location-based information to allow smartphones and tablets to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions.

Google Now Voice Commands includes the ability to issue voice search commands and voice actions. Google voice search allows you to speak into your device to issue web searches.  You can search the web for sports scores, movie listings, local business information, maps and directions, and a whole lot more.  Google voice actions allow you to issue commands to your device.  You can issue commands related to making phone calls or sending messages and more.  See the sections below to see how to use Google Now Voice Commands and see a full list of commands.

Learn how to use your Google Home

How to Use Google Now Voice Commands

Depending on your device, you can access Google Now Commands using one or more of the following methods:

  1. Tap the Google Search Bar Widget on the microphone icon.
  2. Perform a long press on the home button.
  3. Swipe up on the Google Now icon on the lock screen.
  4. While already accessing the Google Now app, say “Google”, followed by your search phrase.

Alternatively, some phones allow the Google Now Launcher can be activated by the user uttering the phrase, “OK Google“.

OK Google Now Voice Commands List

Below you will find a comprehensive Google Now Voice Commands list. Have your own favorite Google Voice searches that you would like to share?  Post them in the comments section below. If you are looking for Google Home commands, click here.

Phone Calls, SMS, and E-mail*

Reminders and Calendar Events*

General OK Google Now Voice Commands

Calculations and Currency

Date and Time Commands

Weather Commands

Directions, Maps, and Location

Geography and Nationality

Flights and Travel

Restaurants and Businesses

Sports OK Google Now Voice Commands

Music Voice Commands

Movies and TV Voice Commands


OK Google Now Voice Command Easter Eggs

* Google Now Commands for compatible devices


Share Your OK Google Now Voice Commands

Know of any cool and useful OK Google Now Voice Commands not listed above? Come up with and clever “OK Google” launch phrase alternatives? Share them with us in the comments section below.  Also, check out the Google Now Voice Commands video for additional tips on how to use Google Voice Search.

Source: Smart Bro | Google | Wikiedia

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